
See also Images and Search engines


Catalogs of tangible and online records





Links to Online only publications

*E-print network - scientific or technical documents circulated electronically to facilitate peer exchange and scientific advancement; includes pre-publication drafts of journal articles (preprints), scholarly papers, technical communications, or similar documents relaying research results among peer groups.



Government  databases by Title - broad list of government databases along with those purchases by CC (limited access)


GPO Access - the official version of many full text publications (dates and coverage varies): Code of Federal Regulations, Congressional Record, Commerce Business Daily, Conference Reports, Congressional materials (bills, calendar, committee prints and materials, directory, documents, hearings, reports), Economic Indicators, Economic Report of the President, Energy Citations, Eric Educator Reports, Federal Register, Public Papers of the Presidents, Public and Private Laws, Serial Set, Statutes at Large, US Code, etc.


Memory Hole - includes documents released under the US Freedom of Information Act that reveal government activities rarely reported by the mainstream media.


CC subscription databases by title

These may be used by the general public in the library: ''CC users see A-Z list



Periodicals Online

Government Periodicals

U.S. Government Periodicals on the Web

Electronic Journals

Air University Library Index to Military Periodicals - subject index to significant articles, news items, and editorials from English language military and aeronautical periodicals; citations since 1988


Additional Resource Pages

University of Colorado Government Publications - information from all levels of government, including state and foreign governments and intergovernmental organizations.

University of Michigan Documents Center - reference and referral point for government information, whether local, state, federal, foreign or international.

Frequently Used Sites Related to US Federal Government Information - from the Federal Documents Task Force (FDTF), Government Documents Round Table (GODORT), and the American Library Association (ALA)

Browse Government Resources (Library of Congress)